Every single second something new comes in our surroundings, but due to our laziness or lack of interest, we miss some useful information. As common people, we know advancement in the digital world (Do you know really???), but if we talk about the construction and foundation, then our knowledge is zero. So, improve it with this guide.
Before decades we use concrete foundation for our every type of construction, but thanks to advancement Screw Pile Design foundation comes in picture. It provides a durable deep foundation that increases the success ratio of the construction project. So, its usage in a different area will increase day by day because of many benefits which are impressive for everyone.
If we compare helical pile and concrete foundation in the installation term, then you can helical pile is better. The reason behind such a statement is by using a pile driver you can easily install a screw pile in the earth. So, it not only saves your time, but it reduces the work of the contractor. On the other hand, you get higher effectiveness and longer lifespan.
Helical piling can easily fit in the earth so that in constructing a structure when we use a screw pile then it built by consuming less time. There is no need to wait until the foundation becomes dry, and you can start a new task. That’s why we can declare it as time-saver in the foundation industry.
For your project, you can design your own Screw Pile Design in available space and according to your surface type. That’s why you get flexibility for a different project and load-bearing requirements. And modification in the structure is also simple and can be easily completed.
With the helical piling, you can start your project any time in the year; there is no boundary just like a concrete foundation. In the concrete foundation, you can’t work in any season because it depends on the temperature but this limit overcome with helical piling.
If you install helical piling beside the existing structure then you never face any damage of that structure because the screw piling vibration is less. Want to know its exact vibration limit? It is 1mm, and if it connected with the existing building, then it should be 5mm not more than above this limit.
As said above, in the helical piling, we use a pile drive to install into the surface so that there is no need for excavated soil from where construction will be established. It is beneficial for your surface’s soil and your project budget because the cost of excavation will be reduced.
If we adopt screw pile technology for our foundation making then is safer in terms of the environment as compared to the concrete foundation. Reasons are no need of exaction, less vibration and easy fit everywhere.
These are the main advantage of the helical pile or Screw Pile Design in the construction. Hopefully, with this guide, you get some useful information.
Source: Notable Advantages of Helical Piling- You Should Know as A Beneficiary